
Discipleship for the whole family

Whoa. Those are some big words. Catechesis? Discipleship? Both of these words mean essentially the same thing: Teachings on your journey of spiritual growth in Christ.

Discipleship (or Catechesis) is a journey that involves intentionally entering into yours or others’ lives to understand how to trust and follow Jesus, obey His teachings, and become like Christ. This process begins after a person begins to follow Jesus and is not about earning salvation through learning or doing, but is a commitment to the apprenticeship of deepening one’s relationships with Jesus Christ as one of his Disciples.

At First Baptist, we have compiled a Catechesis guide that will allow your entire family to take some next steps in this apprenticeship of following Jesus as Lord of your lives.

In this guide, you’ll find the ancient creeds (beliefs) of the church, the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and a Q&A formatted catechism for followers of Jesus to build a strong foundation for their faith.

Catechesis Literature for Families